We have a very strict management process to make sure the material is safe, the workshop is clean enough,and the package can protect the goods well. In one word, we are very serious with the safety of food packaging. And we also have a test laboratory. We will test the goods to make sure it can match our company standard before sending them.
And each year, we will send our goods to the third-party detection institution to make the QS test and FDA TEST. To make sure that the goods we offer to our clients are safe for the food packaging.
Standard:BRC Number:10011966 Issue Date:2023-12-14 Expiry Date:2024-12-13 Scope/Range:Packaging materials Issued By:NSF Certification, LLC |
Standard:BRC Number:10011966 Issue Date:2023.12.14 Expiry Date:2024.12.13 Scope/Range:Packaging materials Issued By:NSF Certification, LLC |
Standard:BRC Number:10011966 Issue Date:2023-12-14 Expiry Date:2024-12-13 Scope/Range:Packaging materials Issued By:NSF Certification, LLC |
Standard:BRC Number:10011966 Issue Date:2023-12-14 Expiry Date:2024-12-13 Scope/Range:Packaging materials Issued By:NSF Certification, LLC |
Contact Person: Mr. daniel huang
Tel: 86-18906577778